What am I allowed to do?

kay26 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
Sorry if this is in the wrong place. How do I find out what I am allowed to do in terms of becoming a self employed bookkeeper? I have almost finished Level 3 AAT.

At the minute I am in employment and I maintain and prepare the accounts before sending to the accountant, payroll, VAT Returns online, CIS Returns online, payment of PAYE and NIC's etc.

I also do a breif profit and loss which is just for the directors records and isn't as detailed as the one that the accountant does but it does estimate corporation tax and takes off the dividends to show an estimated net profit.

If I were to offer my services at which point could I go up to and is it wise to offer a rough profit and loss or is this not allowed.

Thanks in advance!


  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    As a student member, you can do whatever you like as long as it's within your competence and you don't mention the AAT at all.

    You should also check your employment contract to see if the employer has any restrictions about you 'doing work on the side.'

    When you get your full AAT membership you would have to apply to be in the MIP scheme. At that point it would be compulsory for you to have Professional Indempnity Insurance, but it would be recommended now if you are going to do some work for yourself- it protects you and the client.

    Good luck.
  • T.C.
    T.C. Registered, Tutor Posts: 1,448 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    If you become an MIP, then you will need a practising licence from AAT and this will detail what you are licensed to undertake, all subject to you proving your competency to AAT.
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