
jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
After much consideration over the past couple of months about tax software for 2011, Ian and Jenni will vouch for me on that, I finally renewd ftax yesterday. They now have a Client Manager facility and all forms must now be opened via this.

Their site had been saying that CM would be available form 6th April, no it wasn't! Now it says 'The Ftax Client Manager will be made available before the end of April 2011. In the meanwhile go to ‘Downloads’ and use the ‘april’ Ftax forms which can be used to submit online to HMRC until the end of April'

Firstly there aren't any CT600's marked April, there's a prepare only version or a 10Sep version. I tried using the Sep one as it's the same as the one I downloaded in March which I used for the client to authorise but as of 1st April can't be used to file, but this one isn't working either.

Have just tried to call them and basically they're not taking calls and you have to email. I had a issue last year with CT600's, in fact I'm still waiting for them to email me back over one of them, good job I sorted it myself.

I am so wanting to kill someone :cursing:anyone else experiencing problems with them?

My husband's having a similar problem with a website hosting company, is this country going to the dogs, between us we've wasted about 10 hours since yesterday morning!!


  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Ftax are good, but I have noticed they don't often get their desired April launch date on time.

    To be honest, it's the cheapest software out there and is darn good for the price. I don't mind waiting til May to get my first tax returns filed. But, if they say it's going to work, it ought to work. I must admit to clicking Client Manager with glee on 6th April to be disappointed that it wasn't live, but then i sort of wasn't surprised either.

    I haven't looked into the CT 600 situation but usually their support is pretty good, bit odd that they haven't gotten back to you. If you have more problems Jill please let me know and I will have a word with my contact there.
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Thanks Jenni. I did get an email back from them saying "Temporary 'April' forms are being made available via 'Downloads. These are fully working and will enable you to submit the HMRC for the month"

    I've tried all the CTR's in downloads and none are marked April and none of them work they just keep arroring when I try to submit. I've asked them for a link or the exact name of the form but no-one's come back to me.

    It's been a totally s**t week this week and I've hardly got any work dome the last 2 days, but this afternoon was down to an internet purchase that should have cost me £6 and has actually cost me £255!
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Owch! I'm not going to ask!

    I've just logged in and at the bottom of the Dowloads screen I can see:

    CT600 Agent (April)

    Filename: CTR2011_A_april.pdf

    * CT600 Agent Short (April)

    Filename: CTR2011_short_A_april.pdf

    Are either of these what you want? I've opened the top one and it doesn't look like a 'Prepare' version but I can't do a test submit with anything to see if it works.

    If these are the ones you've tried and they aren't working and they haven't replied to support email, perhaps lots of people are trying the same as you and so they have a high volume of support and they just haven't had time to respond yet?

    The new releases of FTax forms are often buggy, I've noticed. Not great, but they do tend to release fixes pretty quick and I just write it off to me being too tight to pay more for tax software! I know that doesn't really help when you've had a bad week though - I hope you manage to get a relaxing weekend - put this CT600 off til next week!

    (Slight tangent, I had a CT600 in Jan that just kept returning an error. I think it was a HMRC-side issue as opposed to a FTax one, but I left it a month.... tried it again on the offchance and it went through first time. Might be the form just needs to chill at the weekend and it will play ball on Monday?!)
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Jenni,

    I received this email just after 7pm last night:


    The 'april' CT600 forms were uploaded in the afternoon."

    An apology for the time I'd wasted would have been nice, but at least it's sorted. Well I hope so, haven't tried it yet, will try it tomorrow am having the day off today.

    Thanks for your help, and yeah you're right for the money it's great software, hopefully things will run smoothly from now on.

    Have a good weekend
    Jill x
  • anniem
    anniem Registered Posts: 1,326 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Anyone got a spare Ftax discount code that they'd be prepared to email to a new MIP? ;)

    I hope you don't think it's a bit cheeky asking, but don't have many clients yet so it seems to be more expense on software, subscriptions, insurance per client than I had realised was going to be the case!
    FMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I tried both the April forms last night and had exactly the same problem. I'm now wondering whether it's a problem with the form or with HMRC. I'll keep you informed.

    Anna, the only discount code I have is the one they sent me to renew which I'm sure will be unique to me, but I'll email them saying I know someone who's thinking of licensing their software and see if they'll send me a code for you. I got 10% off my first year, not a massive amount but it all helps.
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Is it an iXBRL issue? I'm pretty sure all CT600s filed now have to be iXBRL so perhaps its that?

    Anna, likewise with the discount code, I can probably get you a 10% one.
  • anniem
    anniem Registered Posts: 1,326 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    OH, if it's only 10% on software for about £100, then it's not worth the hastle for anyone to ask! :lol:

    I'm sure I can stretch to the extra £10 - had it been a more significant discount it may have been worth bothering about!!!
    FMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire
  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    anniem wrote: »
    OH, if it's only 10% on software for about £100, then it's not worth the hastle for anyone to ask! :lol:

    I'm sure I can stretch to the extra £10 - had it been a more significant discount it may have been worth bothering about!!!

    Ftax have changed the packages this year, check the price of what it is you actually want, I'll still ask anyway.
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