Throwing In the Towell
Registered Posts: 29 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi All,
I'm seriously considering quitting my job. It's an admin/ accounts one with very little accounts duties included. I've been in the position for 3 years now and during this time I have put with alot especially from my superiors who happen to be the directors who keep moving the goalposts of what they want and expect and won't communicate these issue's to staff so we are getting shouted and screamed at on a daily basis for not knowing these things we've not heard of and I just can't go working like this.
I've been searching for a new job for a year now with numerous interviews but it's all gone quiet again which has kept me going in the past. Part of me wants to throw it in and go into temp work while I search for a full time accounts position so I can gain more experience in accounts as I won't get anymore where I am which is why I'm thinking about it more from my careers point as quite a few of the interviews I've been to have told me I don't have the experience so I feel this may help.
I know I'm lucky to be in a job but they has got to be a line of what you can put up with. By the way I've recently finished my AAT studies.
Rant over :-) advice anyone.
I'm seriously considering quitting my job. It's an admin/ accounts one with very little accounts duties included. I've been in the position for 3 years now and during this time I have put with alot especially from my superiors who happen to be the directors who keep moving the goalposts of what they want and expect and won't communicate these issue's to staff so we are getting shouted and screamed at on a daily basis for not knowing these things we've not heard of and I just can't go working like this.
I've been searching for a new job for a year now with numerous interviews but it's all gone quiet again which has kept me going in the past. Part of me wants to throw it in and go into temp work while I search for a full time accounts position so I can gain more experience in accounts as I won't get anymore where I am which is why I'm thinking about it more from my careers point as quite a few of the interviews I've been to have told me I don't have the experience so I feel this may help.
I know I'm lucky to be in a job but they has got to be a line of what you can put up with. By the way I've recently finished my AAT studies.
Rant over :-) advice anyone.
It almost sounds as if they are making life intolerable for you ... I think if it becomes too bad and you are signed off because work is totally intolerable it could be tantamount to constructive dismissal.
It's a shame when people have to put up with such bad management that life at work isn't enjoyable.
Being shouted at at work is totally unreasonable - certainly by management. If it's customers who are shouting at you then there should be much better information sharing to help you deal with Mr Angry'.
I suggest you review your contract of employment and the company grievance procedure and start sorting it out. If there are a few of you in the same boat then they will have to take the issue seriously. If they don't deal with the grievance then they are putting themselves at risk of a constructive dismissal case, surely?????FMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire0 -
Thanks for your words, unfortunately it's an all male environment which is very much dog eat dog and as long as you can bark the loudest you'll be fine this includes the directors.
It is a small firm of about 24 people and of those 20 of them can happily work like this as they can shout and scream without thinking any think of it but for those who are shall we say more sensitive like myself find it unbearable especially when the owners are new to ownership and make it up as they go along. We've had people complain about the environment before but all you get it is "that's the way it is".
Luckily my partner is a trainee lawyer and she has often said to me to review the contract but I find myself hesitating to do so.0 -
It doesn't matter where you work, nobody should be shouted at - unless you've joined the army and are at boot camp (maybe I've watched too much telly?) or you've joined the police and are at a riot (I've done that, but it goes with the job - police not rioter)!!!!!
I still think that quiet acceptance of your situation isn't going to resolve your problem and I find it hard to believe that everyone else thinks it is normal to go to work and shout at their colleagues. Having said that I've been in an office on my own all day - with horses going past. Oh I did have a brief visit from the shepherd and an orphan lamb!
You do need to say something, perhaps you can change things?
The other positive thing you can do is ensure that you never shout at anyone; one of the most valuable things that I was taught in the police was "BEHAVIOUR BREEDS BEHAVIOUR". At first I laughed, but having tried it out during the intervening 20 odd years I can say it works. Now if someone shouts at me I actually speak much more quietly than normal and they have to quieten down to hear properly - it truly does work and if you keep speaking quietly/normally then they do quieten/calm down. Give it a try - you'll be amazed.
Good luck
AnnaFMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire0 -
Brings back memories
Hey all its been a while
Webby reading your thread brought back memories for me heres a thread i did a while back might help you (well i hope) -
What Annie said.
What Annie said.
What Annie said.
Seriously good advice.
And good luck - I know it's easy to say and hard to action, but it's not fair for them to get away with breeding a horrible environment.0 -
I don't think these people sound like they are reasonable so I think it is fairly pointless talking to them in a reasonable fashion.
I think it is hugely important to note that it is not a personal attack on you - or at least it doesn't sound it. I think once you realise that when you are in this kind of situation - as I have been - then it just takes the edge off it.Maybe if you look at things from a different perspective it can help you to deal with it a bit easier. Hope so :-)
Perhaps if you know the right way to do something, forward it to them in an email so that if they later complain - you have confirmation that you already told them the right way. Refer them back to it :-)
I would most definitely try and get another job temping, I am working permanently after initially being taken on as a temp and I love it where I am. You just never know what it might lead to. Or do some voluntary work - lots of people do that for experience - I registered for it but didn't need it after being taken on permanent.
I really hope it works out, it is the most awful feeling when people are pretty mean to you at work.0 -
Although my own bosses are great - if I ran the country (heh heh heh!) - I'd introduce an annual "smack-your-boss-in-the-fricking-mouth-with-no-repercussions day". Subscription would be mandatory not voluntary and for particaularly bad bosses the violence would get progressively worse and more frequent. And it'd all be wonderfully legal.
Anyone want to vote for me? Do you think this might get deleted?0 -
Although my own bosses are great - if I ran the country (heh heh heh!) - I'd introduce an annual "smack-your-boss-in-the-fricking-mouth-with-no-repercussions day". Subscription would be mandatory not voluntary and for particaularly bad bosses the violence would get progressively worse and more frequent. And it'd all be wonderfully legal.
Anyone want to vote for me? Do you think this might get deleted?
As a boss, I do not support your proposal!0 -
It doesn't matter where you work, nobody should be shouted at - unless you've joined the army and are at boot camp (maybe I've watched too much telly?) or you've joined the police and are at a riot (I've done that, but it goes with the job - police not rioter)!!!!!
I still think that quiet acceptance of your situation isn't going to resolve your problem and I find it hard to believe that everyone else thinks it is normal to go to work and shout at their colleagues. Having said that I've been in an office on my own all day - with horses going past. Oh I did have a brief visit from the shepherd and an orphan lamb!
You do need to say something, perhaps you can change things?
The other positive thing you can do is ensure that you never shout at anyone; one of the most valuable things that I was taught in the police was "BEHAVIOUR BREEDS BEHAVIOUR". At first I laughed, but having tried it out during the intervening 20 odd years I can say it works. Now if someone shouts at me I actually speak much more quietly than normal and they have to quieten down to hear properly - it truly does work and if you keep speaking quietly/normally then they do quieten/calm down. Give it a try - you'll be amazed.
Good luck
Yes well said.
It really does sound like bad management, theres rarely need to shout. And its not something you should put up with.
When I wasn't happy with my working conditions, I asked the then boss for a career meeting, and it went well. Maybe not quite the same situation but its good to force a one on one meeting were things can be discussed more civilly.
I agree with what Annie says about behaviour, it is proven that the culture of the organisation is set my managers and the behaviour filters down through the levels.0 -
Only affects you if you've been bad though doesn't it? Treat your workers well and you might avoid that fat lip on each 1st of March and September...0
Thank you for all your comments. I'm afraid today was the last draw though as I only had been in the door five minutes and I was being pointed and shouted at for something I was meant to had done yesterday but unfortunately no one actually got round to telling me, so that was a good start. You try to explain no one had but all you get is abuse and you won't win so I didn't bother. I've tried many times in the past but it puts you in a worse position for the rest of the day as if you are correct they will go out there way to find something else to shout at you about!
I then got my supervisor in trouble (the only other sane person there) for asking if I could help him with anything as I was quiet only for him to be called into a meeting and bollocked for passing some work onto me which only took me five minutes and he was snowed under.
So I like I say I can't work like this anymore I've been here for 3 years so I can't say I've not given my best shot but feel they has to be point where you have to say enough is enough I deserve better than this. I've typed up my letter of resignation and now I just need the courage to hand it in tomorrow.
From my point I do feel if I could get a temp job in accounts which will help me gain expierence and I won't get anymore where I am this can only be a good thing.0 -
If you've been going through all of this then you can't just put yourself out of a job. with no income.
The way they are behaving is despicable and they shouldn't put ANY OF THEIR STAFF in this situation. The fact that you can't face work because of the BULLYING is not reason for you to resign and have no income.
This is a case for a constructive dismissal claim if you can't resolve the issues. They are making your life a living hell and you have a claim if it has reached this stage.
Do these things:
* Go and see the Doctor to be signed off work with stress from the bullying.
* Speak to ACAS or another professional body to find out where you stand and how to move forward on this.
* Ask ACAS if you can post your sick note to your employers together with an letter of explanation stating why you are so stressed at work.
* Make them sit up and realise that YOU MUST BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY or it is going to cost them a payout in a Constructive dismissal case.
By all means don't go to work tomorrow - especially if you really can't face another day like the one you've just had, but BAD employers have to realise that you have rights too.
Don't be broken and broke. Be proactive and make them realise that you are not a doormat!
I really feel for you, you have been placed in an intolerable position, but don't just surrender without some recompense for the way they have treated you.
A xFMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire0 -
Thanks anniem,
I have thought of this as my partner is a trainee lawyer and she has gone through this with me I've also seen the process of signing off with depression before which shouldn't surprise you that it was where I am at now.
We've had someone sue before for they treatment but they still act the same, it just made for the unwanted tension around the place. We've had two others hand in they notice this week which says alot.0 -
Please, please, please follow Annie's advice. Don't read my post here, please go back and re-read hers, it's spot on!!
Im really sorry to hear how bad it is, but don't resign, go to the doctor, talk to ACAS.
Good luck, it really is the right way forward x0 -
I'll give ACAS a call tomorrow and see what they suggest I should do.
Thank you for your advice and support.0 -
Hi Webby
Just popped back to see if you've checked in!
You've been brave enough to post here, so I'm hoping that you're looking for help with the situation you're in.
I'm seriously not surprised that you are feeling down in the dumps with what you have to endure at work.
Chin up, YOU CAN BEAT THIS AND YOU WILL BEAT THIS - but let's not do it with an empty wallet or you will end up seriously depressed and broke to boot!
Anna xFMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire0 -
I totally agree with Anniem, stick to her advice!
If you just walk off they won't learn anything from it. If you go for her advice, well, maybe they won't learn from it, but at least you know you tried and you have to realise it would be very unfair if you end up with no work or money, just because they are bullying you!0 -
Hi Guy's,
Sorry I never informed you of what happened, I did give ACAS a call and they went through some options with me. I explained that I just wanted out at the earliest oppurtunity as it wasn't helping myself or my career as I was doing next to nothing within accounts. I made myself available for temp work hoping this would help me and I soon got a job as a General Clerk with a local company for three months. I did tell ACAS I didn't want to pursue it any further as I just wanted to end it but I have agreed they can mark the company down in case anyone else there decides to do anything. It can be seen a complaint was lodged.
Webby0 -
Hi Webby
Glad to hear things are turning out and good luck with the new job.
After reading this I realised my line manager was a pussy cat, she is hindering my progression abit but at least I know the rest of the management are on my side, it's just difficult when she's my immediate boss that if I go above her it will cause tension in the office. I have decided to wait until I start level 3 and then approach her as I will need to go into other departments to gain some experience.
Jan0 -
Just got my Technician certificate! :-)
Now all I need is some expierence, I'm hoping if I temp round abit for the next year it will stand me in good position to get a full time position in a years time. (Fingers crossed)
Unsure what the bonusus of applying for full membership are though?0 -
First of all CONGRATULATIONS! Well done Webby!
You get all the benefits of using the letters MAAT behind your name, and you get a number of extra resources and cpd possibilities on the site. There is a something on the site that actually shows you, but I can't give you the link. Maybe do a search for benefits of MAAT or something similar!0 -
Thank you I was very pleased to get it! :-)
Does the AAT provide any sort of career advisor or someone who I can take advise from, I spent lots of time looking through the web-site looking at the hints and tips but it would be nice to explain to someone my situation and am I helping myself get where I want to be or should I try something different.0 -
Has got a new job in full time!!! :-)0
Well done you!0
That's fantastic news Webby! I'm really glad that things turned out well for you and hope that you truly enjoy your new post ...... and the people there!!!!!
I'm certain that you'll not have the same problems again as I think you were very unlucky to find such awkward people to work for before.
Glad you're out of a bad experience.
Anna xFMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire0 -
Congratulations Webby, and Good Luck!
Jan x0
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