AAT Logo

shooter7shooter Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
Hello, All

I am currently setting a template up for my letterheads and am looking for some advice on how you have worded yours.
I am going to include the name of my practice in the header and the AAT logo in the footer.
Now i know the aat sets out guidelines on where and what wording to include with logo, but i have been asked recently off a client what exactly is the AAT as it only says, Joe Bloggs is licensed and regulated by the AAT under licence number.
As anyone used different wording and can i not just put Joe bloggs is a member of the association of accounting technicians so my clients know exactly what the aat stands for.
Also it specifies that that the font size should be 9pts and the logo 20mm, do any of you use a different size as these measurements appear a little too small for my liking.




  • anniem
    anniem Registered Posts: 1,326 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    There are actually quite strict rules on the logo and you should have received details from the AAT when you received your practising licence.

    Get in touch with the membership team; you can send your paperwork to them for approval and advice.
    FMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire
  • mc25
    mc25 Registered Posts: 232 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    You need to get intouch with AAT MIP. you can request information regarding marketing and advertising and I am sure they will email it over to you. A while back there was something I was unsure of regarding marketing and using the ATT logo, when I emailed them my query they actually emailed me back the same day with all the information i required. Good luck.
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