Which books do you recomend?

Kate989589 Registered Posts: 17 New contributor 🐸
Hi, I'm looking into buying my next set of books for level 3. My college does provide some but you're not allowed to write in them etc, so I like getting my own.

For level 2 I used mostly BPP, and did find there were quite a few errors in them, particularly the online question bank. Though it hasnt totally deterred me and I was considering going with these again. But I saw Kaplan do tutorial/workbook combined, are these as thorough?

Which would you recommend? My tutor also told me that Osbourne has a lot of errors and that the college stopped using them for this reason.


  • katsutlieff
    katsutlieff Registered Posts: 459 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I have used both BPP and Osborne and must say I personally prefer Osborne. I can't say I have come across any errors in the books, I am using the olds standards still.

    It all comes down to personal choice really and which layout you prefer.
    If you are buying your own books look on ebay and amazon I recently purchased a second hand new standards on Amazon for £6 that way you could probably afford to buy more than one book

    I have also found the Frank Woods Business Accounting invaluable,
    for when the workbooks are being too vague which sometimes happens
  • janwal
    janwal Registered Posts: 1,189 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Our college are switching to BPP next year for level 3 as we used Kaplan for level 2 and there were errors, they did post corrections on the engage site and I actually found them easy to follow and it did help that they were combined and they are cheaper than BPP.
  • Nia
    Nia Registered Posts: 72 Regular contributor ⭐
    I think all the publishers had lots of errors in their books this year, due to switching to the new standards. We used Kaplan this year and tbh I wasn't that keen. Apparently Osborne are much better. I don't know about BPP.....
  • Amie1977
    Amie1977 Registered Posts: 33 Epic contributor 🐘
    I bought the Osborne Accounts Prep I and II Sole trader Tutorial and Workbook from Amazon and then went on to Osbourne books website to download the errata sheet - Only 4-5 errors in the books which I thought was reasonable and so easy to just write in the book the corrections.
    I was with HLC for Level 2 and the Osbourne books are looking so much more professional and I like the short chapters with activities after each chapter to get to firm up what you have just read/learnt. However, will probably study Level 3 with Kaplan so I can just purchase each unit as I want to sit them.

    So much down to personal preference!
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