Tax training

Chinless Wonder
Chinless Wonder Registered Posts: 61 Regular contributor ⭐
Hello folks.

Sorry if I'm asking a question that's answered elsewhere on here.

I've been a MIP for a year, and just renewed . When I set up my license, I opted NOT to be covered for working in Personal and Business Tax, because I have never done any formal training in these areas (I took the other two optional modules available when I did my AAT).

I have some personal experience of this, from my own 10 years on Self Assessment, but no formal training.

I'm training for CIMA at the moment, sitting my final paper in November. After that is out of the way, I'd like to fill the tax gap by doing some tax training.

At one point last year I looked into taking the two missing AAT papers, which I can easily do at Kaplan as a walk-in student (although they said, because I'm already qualified, I wouldn't be able to sit the exam). Or I can register as a student with ATT and do their certificates.

I think either of these options would be ok for my CPD and for extending my MIP licence. But I'd like to hear what other people on here think and what routes people have gone down.



  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I thoroughly recommend the ATT papers - much more in depth and more practical than the AAT tax papers which are easier and more of a basic grounding in the subjects. Further study is of course great CPD!
  • GinnyBee
    GinnyBee Registered, Tutor Posts: 131 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I second what Monson says that the AAT papers are a good basic knowledge and that the ATT goes so much more into depth. I did both the tax papers for AAT and have just started ATT and there is so much more to learn!!!!

    Which you choose depends on what you want to get out of it. The AAT would be for CPD and extension to your licence. The ATT would be more involved and you would end up with an extra qualification.
  • MoneySavingBank
    MoneySavingBank Registered Posts: 143 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    How many papers do we need to do to qualify ATT?

    As a full member of AAT, what are the exemptions for us in ATT? & What are the modules do we need to study to qualify as ATT.

  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Unfortunately as you didn't do business tax at AAT level there are no exemptions with ATT.

    You need to sit P1 business tax, P2 personal tax, P7 Practice admin and ethics and 1 other paper from a choice of:

    Business Taxation: Higher Skills; or
    IHT, Trusts & Estates; or
    VAT; or
    Business Compliance

    Good luck :-)

    Sorry being a donkey I've just realised Moneysavingsbank that you aren't the OP. So if you did business tax at AAT you're excempt at ATT lol
  • GinnyBee
    GinnyBee Registered, Tutor Posts: 131 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    As a full member of AAT, what are the exemptions for us in ATT? & What are the modules do we need to study to qualify as ATT.


    Take a look at this page, should tell you all you need to know :)
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