Contract work

David@accountingsource Registered Posts: 12 New contributor 🐸
I run a small part time accounting practice in Basingstoke, I have a couple of regular clients. However, I am unwilling to take on new clients as I do not have enough time (10 months old daughter and a second one due in December).

As I have a fully functional professional website and advertising,I often have potential clients enquiring on my services and I feel I do not want to turn any business away.

Therefore I would like to set up an arrangement with an experienced MIP member where they would complete the work on my behalf (contract work under my Accounting Source name) or I would refer the client to their business for a reasonable referral fee.

Currently I have a potential client requiring the following;

Qtly VAT returns
Filing statutory information for 1 active and one dormant company
Running payroll for 2 people on a qtly basis (both also directors of the company)
Managing 3-4 sales and purchase invoices a month
Completing annual requirements (including p60’s etc)
Audited accounts yearly (possible un-audited account client to confirm)
Advice on tax issues

Though I am willing to meet with the client and discuss options, I do not have the time available to complete the above or mentor an inexperience MIP (sorry).

If you think you can help please contact myself.


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