Will this work?

Roro1303 Registered Posts: 38 Epic contributor 🐘

I attended Accounting Techniciens Student event locally last week, (very useful) and made friends with 2-3 other level 4 students like myself.

these friends are studying/have studied over 3yrs now but have no practical accounting experience and are desperate to get their 1st accounting job before they qualify. they have tried the usual local agencies..etc but still nothing- expecially these days with the job market being bad, they are getting nowhere.

A nearby college level 4 students offer bookkeeping/Accounts Services to local small businesses for small contribution under the supervision on their lecturers and qualified Accountants.

I am thinking of doing the same locally with these new friends and who knows, it could be extended, I am working in accounts (Sales ledger Management) but will do with some more practical experience in Tax, Accounts Preparation...etc

I just thought i should ask fellow Qualified Accountants in this forum their opinion, if any of you would like to become our mentors if we decide to go ahead with this idea.

many thanks
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