Professional Referee

stefanboro Registered Posts: 187 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Hi everyone,

I have finally got round to getting my MAAT status despite having passed everything two years ago.

I now want to dive right in for MIP status and as I already have clients, this is mandatory anyway.

Something I am not clear on is : Does my professional referee for MIP application have to be an accountant?

I understand that it does for MAAT application (it explicity said so) but the application for MIP does not specify this.

I've rang the AAT and they said accountant. But I KNOW of a former post by Taskey in 2010 on this same topic and I KNOW the answer there was that it had to be someone senior to you who has known your own for at least 6 months.

A little bit of clarity would be bliss.


  • T.C.
    T.C. Registered, Tutor Posts: 1,448 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    When I did mine, back in the late 90s mind you, I used a solicitor as my professional referee.
  • stefanboro
    stefanboro Registered Posts: 187 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thanks TC.

    I think given the ambiguous guidance on this I will have to use my current MD in my full-time job who is not chartered in anything but has known my work for more then 6 months and can give an opinion on my suitability.

    The guidance states nothing else beyond this.
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