Job related question

clegganator Registered Posts: 184 Dedicated contributor 🦉
100th post, whoop!

I went for an interview at a practice near me in late December, didn't get the job. I emailed for feedback asking why I didn't get the job but never got a reply. Do people think

a) It would be detrimental to email again asking for feedback so long after the interview?
b) To send another speculative CV when I'm a full member in July/August?

I'd really love to work at this place but am unsure if all that has happened so far should make me forget about it and move on?


  • KaySarah
    KaySarah Registered Posts: 215 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    100th post, whoop!

    I went for an interview at a practice near me in late December, didn't get the job. I emailed for feedback asking why I didn't get the job but never got a reply. Do people think

    a) It would be detrimental to email again asking for feedback so long after the interview?
    b) To send another speculative CV when I'm a full member in July/August?

    I'd really love to work at this place but am unsure if all that has happened so far should make me forget about it and move on?

    I'd send another "speculative" CV Clegganator with a nice friendly chatty covering letter as opposed to a more formal staid one, stating that you had applied before when you had less experience and you now have the relevant qualifications .. state reasons WHY you want to work at this place (buff up on them) and what you think you could bring to the company to make them want you. I'd try a add a spot of colour somewhere on the CV near the top, so it stands out when being flicked through (as someone who has to go through dozens of these from time to time it sometimes helps to have one that stands out and is therefore "memorable"). Good Luck with the job hunt.
  • clegganator
    clegganator Registered Posts: 184 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    My previous communication with said company has been through email but I like the principals you set out. The ice is broken so there's no need to start the formal introduction all over again. Thanks!

    Does anyone else have any advice/opinions?
  • MarkT
    MarkT Registered Posts: 302
    My previous communication with said company has been through email but I like the principals you set out. The ice is broken so there's no need to start the formal introduction all over again. Thanks!

    Does anyone else have any advice/opinions?
    I feel for you here, I really do. I'm in the same boat and have tried on countless occasions to get an answer out of an agency or prospective employer and they simply do not reply. I've got 14 years experience etc and they just do not seem to understand that to every person who applies for their job, didn't do it at gunpoint - ie, they actually saw something they like and applied. I'd say follow Kay's advice but don't pin your hopes. Join the rest of us plugging away at the job market :thumbup:
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    Its never a bad idea to re-submit your cv even after failing the first round of interviews or even re-applying for a job with the same company - i applied some time ago with a company and made it to the second stage of interviews but was pip at the post for the job. I have now applied for another job and received a very promising reply stating that they had considered my appilcation and are pleased to put me through to a direct interview with team leader (past first stage of interview).

    Just go for it at least it shows your keen.

    Good Luck :001_smile:
  • clegganator
    clegganator Registered Posts: 184 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Excellent. Thanks again for all your input. I'll wait until July when I'll be all finished, MAAT and more employable(?) and resend to them and other firms.
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