3 down, 4 to go....

Ok, so tonight is the final lesson of CRS - after 18 weeks of teaching and preparing, I am pretty confident in about 90% of the questions and scenarios I am likely to face and as such, have very little pang of worry over the result, I don't want to be too complacent, but still believe that I will get through this first time round, I would hope for a result like my AP2, however, one can dream :laugh:

Which leads me to the question I have on my mind - out of what is left, SPSW, PEAF, ITX & CMGT, which one of these is the one that gave most people the problem and is the one that proved more problematic?

All comments and advice on these will be very much appreciated :001_smile:

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  • louby
    louby Registered Posts: 8 Regular contributor ⭐
    it sounds like you've done the majority of the hard work already mark. PEAF and SPSW are pretty easy, I read ITX in a morning and have done the practice assessments online and they seem pretty straight forward. not looked at CMGT properly yet but it looks more interesting than the other units to me. can't wait to get CRS out of the way but have to wait a few more weeks as am studying through college.
    Good luck with CRS !
  • MarkT
    MarkT Registered Posts: 302
    louby wrote: »
    it sounds like you've done the majority of the hard work already mark. PEAF and SPSW are pretty easy, I read ITX in a morning and have done the practice assessments online and they seem pretty straight forward. not looked at CMGT properly yet but it looks more interesting than the other units to me. can't wait to get CRS out of the way but have to wait a few more weeks as am studying through college.
    Good luck with CRS !

    Thanks for the input :001_smile:
  • janwal
    janwal Registered Posts: 1,189 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Mark

    I found PEAF boring more than anything as no figures just words, a lot of it was common sense. SPSW was ok once I got the hang of formula, CBA was exactly laid out same as practice. ITX, was my favourite, loved working out VAT as long as you can fill in VAT Return correctly your home and dry as it's worth 50% of the mark. Haven't done CMGT yet.

  • Joe Barraclough
    Joe Barraclough Registered Posts: 69 Epic contributor 🐘
    in regards to how hard they are i found them all pretty similar in regards to revision, but i suggest getting the spsw done before the others, because the wait for the result can be quite daunting if you dont have other exams to study for
  • MarkT
    MarkT Registered Posts: 302
    janwal wrote: »
    Hi Mark

    I found PEAF boring more than anything as no figures just words, a lot of it was common sense. SPSW was ok once I got the hang of formula, CBA was exactly laid out same as practice. ITX, was my favourite, loved working out VAT as long as you can fill in VAT Return correctly your home and dry as it's worth 50% of the mark. Haven't done CMGT yet.


    I haven't filled in a VAT return in years, however, when I did, HMRC had to return about £650... so I was happy - paid me back all the vat on my start up costs :001_smile:
    in regards to how hard they are i found them all pretty similar in regards to revision, but i suggest getting the spsw done before the others, because the wait for the result can be quite daunting if you dont have other exams to study for

    We started SPSW last week and so far have not really done much, but we've been warned of the wait - thanks for the reply :001_smile:
  • Kirsty83
    Kirsty83 Registered Posts: 57 Epic contributor 🐘
    I really LOVE Indirect Tax (never thought I would hear myself say that) and I'm doing pretty well in the classes.

    It is one of the smaller modules, but I am understanding all of it thus far! The only thing I would suggest on this module is that you know how to fill in a VAT return like the back of your hand. It counts towards 50% of the exam - so make sure you nail that!!
  • MarkT
    MarkT Registered Posts: 302
    Kirsty83 wrote: »
    I really LOVE Indirect Tax (never thought I would hear myself say that) and I'm doing pretty well in the classes.

    It is one of the smaller modules, but I am understanding all of it thus far! The only thing I would suggest on this module is that you know how to fill in a VAT return like the back of your hand. It counts towards 50% of the exam - so make sure you nail that!!

    Will definitely bear this in mind - you and Jan have made this valid point - maybe I'll get hold of some blank ones and work them out :001_smile:
  • Kirsty83
    Kirsty83 Registered Posts: 57 Epic contributor 🐘
    Definitely a good idea to practice with lots of copies. Our tutor dishes them out during every lesson, so I take them and then make my copies to work off!
  • Chimpette22
    Chimpette22 Registered Posts: 75 Epic contributor 🐘
    I'm in exactly the same situation as you Mark. On Thursday I passed my Costs & Revenues.

    I'd already booked by spreadsheets for in 2 weeks time as I knew that I had to wait for the results. Goodluck in whichever one you do next.

    I'm guessing ethics is the one i'm most dreading as it's all words and I think I might struggle abit with concentration. :lol:
    Fully AAT qualified July 2015
  • janwal
    janwal Registered Posts: 1,189 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    When you come to ethics try and do it in small portions. It can be boring, but our tutr broke in down and we did lots of diagrams and posters which made it a lot easier to remember.

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