Help please - how to claim underclaimed wear & tear allowance for Childminder.

PAMDILL Registered Posts: 721 Epic contributor 🐘
One of my Aunts is a childminder, she discovered that she should have been claiming a set amount of wear and tear allowance every week against her earnings on her SA form.

She found out in time to claim it this tax year and on 2010/11, however she has about £2,600 underclaimed on 2009/10 and 2008/9.

I told her that I thought she could do a previous tax years adjustment on this year's SA but I would check it out.

She wrote to her Tax Office about 6 weeks ago to ask but has had no reply and tried calling a few times.

Hopefully one of you MIPs can tell me who she can go about claiming it back. (if she can)




  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Out of time to amend tax return.

    Use Overpayment relief claim, this is an example (the bold bits are necessary):

    Claim for Overpayment Relief under Schedule 1AB TMA 1970

    We would be grateful if we could make the above claim in respect of Mr Bloggs’s tax return:

    Main return box 10 (private pension income) £1000
    (Previous entry £1387, difference £387)

    [reasons here]

    Therefore the original return overstated Mr Bloggs’s taxable income by £387 in 2007-08 and he has paid tax on this via self assessment.

    We would be grateful if you would refund the tax overpaid direct to our client:

    Bank: Lloyds TSB Account Name and number

    This letter is countersigned by our client as per your request to confirm that the particulars of this claim are correct and complete to the best of his knowledge and belief, as well as my own.
    PAMDILL Registered Posts: 721 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks, I had hoped it could be done with an adjustment in this year's return, I have done letter like the above when I have realised I had made a mistake on a CIS Return with my company. HMRC website you could do a letter but did not give specifics.

    I will pass this onto her.

    PAMDILL Registered Posts: 721 Epic contributor 🐘
    MOnsoon, Thanks,

    I passed the draft letter on to my aunt, she called me on Saturday to say she had finally got a letter back from HMRC after 3 weeks so she was going to complete the letter as laid out by you and send it in with her details.

    She asked me to pass on her thanks to you.

  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    You're both very welcome, hope it works for her :)
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