CT600 Qualifying expenditure box 121

noodles Registered Posts: 308 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Can you please resolve a discussion this end...........

What goes in box 121
Is it only the expenditure in the year or includes the WDV of the pool b/f???????????

Thank you


  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I don't have a CT600 to hand, but I've never known to put a WDV in a box on the CT600 if that helps. I thought capital allowances qualifying expenditure was the expenditure in the year.
  • Jmann
    Jmann Registered Posts: 68 Regular contributor ⭐
    noodles wrote: »
    Can you please resolve a discussion this end...........

    What goes in box 121
    Is it only the expenditure in the year or includes the WDV of the pool b/f???????????

    Thank you

    Addition i.e. qualifying expenditure in the accounting / tax year
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