Small salary v. X's claimable (as an employee)

BobJolly Registered Posts: 10 Regular contributor ⭐
I am 73 and retired. The young lady that bought my accountancy practice is paying me £100 per month to go and see clients and pick up and deliver more. Can anyone think of expenses I can claim against this income? Telephone calls comes to mind. But what about CPD which I still undertake as I like to retain my status with the AAT and for no other reason.....probably not.



  • cheapaccounting
    cheapaccounting Registered Posts: 77 Regular contributor ⭐
    internet use

    Are you actually doing any accounts - if no I think I would struggle to argue wholly and exclusively on the AAT sub but I do think it is worth keeping IMO
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    As Elaine says, the subs should be fine as long as you're still acting in some kind of capacity as an accountant - presumably the pick-up / handback will involve some degree of technical talk. If you're employed then if in your contract you are required to retain your professional subscription, then that may help ;)

    If you have a retired AAT subscription I think the CPD requirements are less, if that helps.
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