Negative Goodwill treatment?

The Magician
The Magician Registered Posts: 96 Epic contributor 🐘
I'm not sure if this will come up, but what is the detailed accounting treatment for negative purchased goodwill, please?

I assume it will go under intangible non current assets as a negative figure in the CSOFP, but where does the negative amount go in the CSOCI?

Is it added to admin expenses? or a loss on discontinued operations? or something else?

Thanks very much.


  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    Negative Goodwill is charged to the Income statement
  • The Magician
    The Magician Registered Posts: 96 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks for your reply, but under which heading in the CSOCI?
  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    If it is charged to the income statement then it will adjust the retained earnings figure.
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