Confusion of MIP

jalalsyed Registered Posts: 20 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Right now, I have some confusion surrounding my mind about MIP and some of the websites aren't too self explanatory and I'd appreciate if some people would clear the jargon for me. Here I start,

1. So here is my story, I am unemployed currently and I have been redundant by my previous employer around 2 week ago. I just downloaded the MIP applying application form and I've been checking through the application form. Firstly, I came across the "professional reference" section but here is my problem, I've been redundant so where should I get this reference from? For my MAAT, I was still working at the time but now I'm unemployed.

Shall I go back to my previous employer to get the "proffesional reference" section filled in? I still am in contacts with them. If not, what shall I do?

2. On the website, it says I'm a MAAT but I still haven't received any paper work regarding my MAAT. It's been just over a week since I got my MAAT.

3. Thirdly, I have a little confusion between "licensed" and "registered" MIP? I am only experienced in Bookkeeping, Accounts/Finance which means I'm not experienced in everything MIP requires. It says I need to take a diagnostic test, will I need to take this?

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