Starting my own practise.

Mata Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
I would appreciate if someone can advice me on starting my own practise. I am an MAAT, have completed ATT and have registered to start ACCA from this Dec. I have 8 years experience in the field.
How do I get started? How easy is it to get clients. I see there are at least 10 accountancy firms around where i live so i am a liitle worried as to how i am going to get clients.
Is it better to place an advert in the local paper, or is it best to have a small office in the high street and start that way. Any suggestions will be greatly received.


  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    If you're an ACCA student, you won't be allowed to do anything more than bookkeeping, until you get their practising certificate, which is approx 3 years post-qual. If what you want to do is work for yourself, AAT + ATT is more than enough, as long as you have the experience.
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