Can you help us spread the word to potential AAT students?

StuartW Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Hi everyone,

This Wednesday 15 August AAT is hosting a live video Q&A on Facebook for potential AAT students. We're going to have a panel who can answer questions and give prospective students (for example, those awaiting A-Level results) some guidance on whether AAT is best for them, and how to go about getting started.

From learning how AAT can provide a debt-free route into accountancy to getting to know about the job types it can lead to, this live video show is aimed at anyone who would like to know more about the qualification.

I wonder if I could call on your generous natures, and love of AAT (!), to help us spread the word about this event please?

Whether it's online via your Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter profiles and the like; or by informing colleagues/friends/parents with children expecting A-Level results, it all helps.

: The show will go live at 11am on Wednesday 15 August at this link (you won't be able to see any video yet):

How: Anyone who would like to submit a question for consideration can do so by leaving a comment on the Facebook post above.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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