ICAS project

marinaweg Registered Posts: 10 New contributor 🐸
Hi Can anybody help me with how to use paragraph numbers, I started on " 4. Introduction to the organisation" and then the first paragraph 4.1. but the next line would be right under the 4.1. like this

4. Introduction to the organisation.

4.1. lskl;gkfglkglf

How do I get it lined up properly? I use windows 2007.

I also had a problem copying my organisation chart from excel to windows and to fit it to 1 page,any help will be greatly appreciated, lost my boxes as well, how do I special paste it?

Thanks Marina


  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hello Marina

    Are you using Word 2007?

    Depending on the content of your report the number could be like this:-

    4. Introduction to the Organisation

    4.1. Sandwich Master Ltd (SML) etc. etc. etc.

    4.2. The organisation etc. etc. etc.

    4.3. The business was etc. etc. etc.

    4.4. SML etc. etc. etc.

    4.5. SML etc. etc. etc.

    4.5.1. The management team etc. etc. etc.

    You could type out the entire section of the report and then highlight the text which requires numbering. Once selected, make sure you are on the 'home' section of the ribbon on Word 2007 and then under the 'paragraph' section select 'multi level list' (this icon has numbers and they are indented). Once all numbered use the tab icon and this will change the numbers from 1 to 1.1, 1.2 etc and so on. There are severals ways that you could do this.

    With regards to your organsiation chart, you will need to 'group' all the separate items in the Excel worksheet together and then copy to Word (if you type group in the help function it should talk you through it). Alternatively, can you save the Excel document and send this to your tutor, or save as pdf (I did this for all my appendices including those in Word) and send this to your tutor.

    At the end of ICAS, I scanned the report and all appendices to make one document for uploading on Learnplus.

    Apologies if my explanations aren't very helpful.

    Good luck.

    JC :o
    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • marinaweg
    marinaweg Registered Posts: 10 New contributor 🐸
    Thanks JC I will try this tomorrow, scanning seems a brialliant idea for the appendices.
    This is my last task left and I feel I would rather do a resit on financial statements and performance than do the project! Must persevere!
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