VAT question

Odeko Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸

New to the forums and just got my full MIP status.

I have a quick VAT question which I have put to HMRC but they said I had to email in which will take ages.

This is my questions:

One of my clients I act for is a recently formed committee who are receiving funding from various local authorities to improve the local sports facilities.

They registered for VAT under the advisement of one of the governing bodies saying they could claim back the input VAT on the refurbishment.

The "club" is registered for VAT, it charges output VAT on bar sales and has opted to charge VAT on the rental use of the facilities (If and when it gets any)

As far as I can see, all its Outputs fall under as standard VAT and the money granted is outside the scope. From my understanding the original recommendation was correct and they can claim back the input VAT on the refurb work.

Just would like a second opinion.


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