Careers Advice Sought

Samamac Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
Hello All

I wonder if anyone could kindly point me in the right direction with the following.

I'm a newly qualified MAAT who is struggling to decide what to do now that I have achieved the aat qualification, and I wondered if anyone knew of somewhere I could get good accountancy careers advice?

I'm currently employed as an office manager for an engineering company, which involves a good amount of accounting tasks such as bookkeeping, VAT returns, cash flow management and some profitability analysis. Although this role pays ok, I'm finding it easier and easier and I feel like I need to be challenged more.

I worked my way up to my current position after beginning as an accounts clerk several years ago, however back then then I never dreamed I would even be in the position I'm in now, as I never thought I would be good enough to pass the aat exams. To my delight and surprise, however, I found the aat qualification enjoyable and rewarding, and I passed all the exams first time.

I now find myself in a similar position to what I was back then, namely do I carry on studying (am I good enough? Can I afford it?) and if so, doing what (financial or management accounting?)? I'm really not sure how to make these sorts of decisions, as I'm not sure what it is I'm best suited to doing; whether I'm good enough to progress to the next level; or indeed how you judge any of this!

Anyone got any advice on who can help or how I can decide? I guess my main motivations are to earn more and develop my professional knowledge.

Many, many thanks to you all.
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