Missing employment records

Mark J
Mark J Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
I have a client who was on paye in the first quarter of the 11 -12 tax year, as well as doing self employed work. She has since moved house and lost all her paye information. If she doesn't have this information and has had no joy in trying to gain the information from her previous employers, how can this be recorded in the self assessment forms.




  • deanshepherd
    deanshepherd Registered Posts: 1,809 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Call up HMRC and get them to fax the details to you.

    If your 64-8 is not yet in place, get them to fax it to the client.
  • Aidanger
    Aidanger Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    Hi Mark

    If she contacts her local HMRC accounts office (details of which she will know as a self assessed individual) they may have a record of her earnings while in employment depending on whether or not her employer met his obligations and submitted his 2011-12 end of year P35 return by 19th May 2012.

    Hope this helps!!
  • Mark J
    Mark J Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸

    Thanks guys, just the answer I was looking for.:001_smile:
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