Costs and Revenues..................and, CV ;)

Rachie278 Registered Posts: 55 Epic contributor 🐘
I'm sure i'm going to regret saying this, but the first part of this post is to anyone dreading Costs and Revenues as much as I was.....I'm actually finding it ok!! Just working through the BPP book and it seems to be sinking in. Only got 2 more chapters to read, not too sure about the cost bookkeeping section, but I've only read it through once so far, im sure it will sink in! So yea, costs and revenues, don't be as scared as I was ;)

Secondly, i'm currently working as a hairdresser part time, the other time I do my brothers book keeping and his friends business book keeping, have pretty good knowledge with that side of things and the way accounts go, but now I am really looking to move away completely from hairdressing ad need to do a CV in order to job hunt.!

If anyone out there knows the sort of things that I could put regarding transferable skills to sell myself a little, or if anyone really is at a lose end and fancies doing my CV for me (soooo cheeky!) then any advice/help would be very much appreciated! The last CV I did was when I was at school, so really could do with some guidance :lol:

Thanks everyone

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