Conference Classification for Flat Rate VAT??

Myriam Registered Posts: 10 Regular contributor ⭐

I have a client who needs to register for VAT, and I am doing a bit of research for him to see if he will be better off registering for the Flat Rate Scheme.

I think he will, but I've got no idea under what category!

The business is organising a massive conference, then selling sponsorship and tickets.

Does that come under the category of
Any other activity not listed elsewhere
Retailing not listed elsewhere

Or something else entirely that I've not realised!

If there is anyone with actual experience of this in practice or very definitive knowledge please let me know which category is the most appropriate. Otherwise I shall wait until Monday and ask the VAT helpline...



  • RAS
    RAS Registered Posts: 124 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Unlikely the VAT helpline will help you, its really down to you/the client to choose the most appropriate category, agreed not always a straightforward task.
  • Myriam
    Myriam Registered Posts: 10 Regular contributor ⭐

    Thanks, I found a much more detailed list for the business classifications and it actually falls under 'Business Services that are not listed elsewhere' as 'Exhibition and fair organisers' seems to be the closest thing to conferences I can find.

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