Business & Personal Taxation

faze82 Registered Posts: 11 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi Everyone,

Can someone please advise me on taxation books??
I'm using Kaplan books for finance act 2010 and just wandering if this would be sufficient to pass these two exams, or should I be buying the newer books (finanace act 2012/2013). As far as I can see it seems as though the tax rates and allowances change however, these will be givin in the maybe I don't need to buy more books.

I would appreciate it if someone is able to advise.


  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hello faze82

    They may be sufficient however do you really want to risk failing an exam for the sake of investing £15/20 in an up to date book? Depending when you are sitting your exam you may be able to obtain the relevant Finance Act as a second hand copy either on here in the books for sale or you could try second hand on Amazon or eBay.

    I personally would not want to risk it as it is not just tax rates and allowances that change. I know since I sat the Personal Tax exam the rules around FHL have changed and for Business Tax the AIA rules changed.

    Good luck whatever you decide.

    JC :o
    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Nps
    Nps Registered Posts: 782
    Yep, buy new books. All the examples and practice questions will use the old figures so you'd have to use them too to check your understanding. Then on top of exam nerves, you'd have the added pressure of having to use different figures to those you learnt with (and probably lose a mark or two somewhere for accidentally using the figures you are used to). Not worth the risk or hassle in my view.

    And as Jo says, it's not just rates which have changed. How would you know which bits were correct and which were out of date. New books will be a worthy investment.
  • LisaB
    LisaB Registered Posts: 6 Regular contributor ⭐

    I am also using Kaplan and I have the books for Finance act 2010. To get around this I have been using the material on the Engage website as the material/books on there are for 12/13.

    Have you looked at the engage website yet? if not it may take 24 hours to register but I have found this helpful. The codes are found at the front of the book.

    I hope that helps.
  • sonya11
    sonya11 Registered Posts: 27 Epic contributor 🐘

    I have the FA 2012 Business Tax book I would sell to you for £10 plus p&p so long as I've passed it, just waiting on the result if you don't mind waiting? Should be about 3 weeks. I also have the revision book that goes with it.
  • wannabebean
    wannabebean Registered Posts: 72 Regular contributor ⭐

    I used an old book for Personal Tax. You are given the tax rates in the exam. I would not risk doing Business Tax with an old book. There have been significant changes in the last financial year that straddle this year and will not even be mentioned in the old book.
  • faze82
    faze82 Registered Posts: 11 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thank you

    Thank you all, I will certainly buy the current books, as a lot of you said it's just NOT worth risking it.

    sonya11 - Good luck with your result, I hope you pass.. .Yes I can wait, I'm planning on taking the personal exam in early July then business - let me know how you get on.

    LisaB - I haven't used the engage website for a long time, I'm keen to find out whats on offer, thanks I'm sure it would be useful in preparing for the exam.

    Thank you once again.
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