Disengage client

Lina Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor ⭐

I have been working with the same client for 3 years now. We have an agreement in place ( engagement letter). Company's FYE ended 31.03.2013.

In April 2013 we both ( client and me) decided that I no longer be acting for them. I suggested to find
new agent and they agreed. Dispute was over our prices. I had to chase them for unpaid invoices all 3 years.

They found new accountant in few days, new firm contacted us. They took over the info that they
needed. We agreed that I will be finalizing year end for 31.03.2013. I have done all bookkeeping, vat
returns, payroll , etc.

Last week we had an incident with the client regarding info which he thinks we should have passed to
new firm. Completion of EC sales list. My staff advised the company, that we were not responsible for their bookkeeping from 01/04/2013 and we did not have to remind them about the EC sales list for April 2013 due in May 2013. And that new firm should have checked with the directors what and when
returns are due. They were late to submit the EC sales list .
Director was very rude with my staff. I emailed director and asked to come and collect the
bookkeeping files from the offices and confirmed that i no longer be preparing their accounts for
31.03.2013 as originally agreed. Director came to the office, collected all files, but emailed me back
refusing to accept it and insist on me preparing their accounts.
Can anybody tell me if I can refuse to provide the service to them on the grounds that they abused my staff? It is plenty of time for accounts to be submitted and I want to write to them a letter this
time, rather than emailing them.

Thank you for any thoughts
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