Increasingly frustrated with Green Light tests

CeeJaySix Registered Posts: 645
Posting here as my e-mails don't seem to get any response!

When going through the FNST green lights in November last year, I found several errors - most were simply that 'tick box' answers had been reversed in the marking, so that the explanation explained that you in fact have selected the right answers, but the system marked them as wrong (and the wrong answers as right). Each time I found one, I e-mailed AAT with the question reference and the problem - no response. To be fair I haven't checked to see if they've been fixed, but then I shouldn't have to. Not bothering to e-mail this time as it doesn't seem to have an effect.

Now going through the personal tax ones. So far I've had one that gave me a wrong answer for rounding a £xxx.50 up (the explanation rounded down) - didn't note the question number. Question 1211 clearly explains that my answer of £3,000 is correct despite being marked it wrong, and therefore the 'correct' model answer must also be wrong. At least these errors you can live with, you read the explanation and realise it's just an error. But question 1202 has a supposedly correct answer to qualify as a holiday let the property must be let for at least 70 days a year - according to my textbook it's 105 days a year (yes it's the FA2013 tests). These kind of errors are destructive as you doubt what you've learned, have to go back and check the textbooks, and then when it comes to the exam wonder whether you should answer with what you've learned to be right or to accommodate the error! The tests are meant to test what you've learned - if the feedback given is false, their purpose is void.

There aren't that many questions in the question banks (if I repeat a test I tend to get 5-8 of the same questions), so I think it's about time AAT paid someone to sit down and review all the questions to ensure accuracy. This is meant to be a professional organisation that regulates a profession which by it's nature requires meticulousness and accuracy. It comes across as a mickey mouse outfit with some of its materials.


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