Companies House - Problems with web filing.

Peter Rutherford
Peter Rutherford Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
When trying to file Annual Return etc, I get past the first page. Then, at the second, on entering the company name and their special code, I get this:

"You have been logged out because the system has been inactive, or the login is already being used".

Both accusations are untrue. Does anyone know how to get past this?



  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    Try clearing your internet history and cache this should clear active logins and you should be then ok.

  • Peter Rutherford
    Peter Rutherford Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Been there...tried that.

    (Thanks for the thought, anyway).
  • Peter Rutherford
    Peter Rutherford Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Does anyone know of a way to shift the software into a manual mode - maybe "Control M" or something like that?
  • JodieR
    JodieR Registered Posts: 1,002 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Maybe try with a different browser? Other than than I don't know I'm afraid!
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