Can not private message anyone

anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
When trying to PM other students I keep receiving a message saying I have met my quota of 100 messages - but trash, inbox etc are all empty.
Does anyone else have this problem.
Does anyone know how to resolve.


  • SamiH
    SamiH Registered Posts: 179 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I just tried to send you one. Not sure if it went or not, as there is no copy of it in my sent items.

    Strange :/
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Morning, no I do not have a message from you. :(
  • Diddy Mau
    Diddy Mau Registered Posts: 238 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Anniebabe

    I've just tried to send you a PM also. I don't think it has gone through.
    I have tried using IE & Firefox.

    Could someone please look into this. It looks like the new forum is causing more and more problems :mad2:
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Havent received it - apparently I cant receive or send messages because my box exceeds 100 messages - but all empty.
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