Exam waiting time!

Good Morning,
I am just waiting on my last result for level 4 and am getting really anxious! I was just wondering what's the earliest anyone has received their result so far?
Thank you!


  • muntxi
    muntxi Registered Posts: 2
    From what people is posting around here, 4 to 5 weeks would be the earliest. Good luck thou!
  • sarah29
    sarah29 Registered Posts: 13
    Thank you!
  • Kelly7
    Kelly7 Registered Posts: 218 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I was told there was a complaint once that some people got theirs earlier than others so they only release then 5 weeks and 6 days before. Stupid really. Could really benefit people to find out earlier, esp if they need to resit. X
  • Caroleanne
    Caroleanne Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸

    I sat personal tax exam 4 weeks ago tomorrow, I am convinced I have failed, the waiting is worse than the exam. Have my budgeting exam next Tuesday, and then another wait. It would be great if you could have some idea, what the result might be, like on the practice assessments on web site, that is marked by computer.
  • sarah29
    sarah29 Registered Posts: 13
    It's personal tax that I'm waiting for. The exam was very difficult but fingers cross for both of us! It's 5 weeks and 1 day today since I took it, and I'm just hoping it's not too much longer! At this time of year I would have thought that the amount of exams to mark wouldn't be too many.. But I agree with you if we could just have an indication!
  • Caroleanne
    Caroleanne Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
    Hi Sarah, I agree some of mine was quite difficult, I really struggle with the written, no matter how much I try to practice, this was my first exam at level 4.

    Good luck with your result, hopefully you should hear fairly soon
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