CIMA advice

karen33 Registered Posts: 1

I've recently completed Level 4 AAT and my employer is now recommending going on to do CIMA - or at least be CIMA part-qualified.

From looking on the website it looks to be quite a jump up in terms of difficulty once you get to the Strategic stage and I'm not 100% sure if I can face it!

However, I see that after the Operational level you are awarded the 'CIMA diploma in managment accounting' and after the Management level you would get 'CIMA advanced diploma in managment accounting'.

Does anyone know if reaching these levels would be considered 'part -qualified'?

Also, is it worth starting CIMA and achieving these levels and getting the diplomas but not continuing to the higher stages? Or is CIMA only worth starting if you plan to become fully qualified? (i.e. ALL exams and experience)

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