ISYS top-up assessment

Hi, could somebody please help me with the number count required for this? I am waiting on my college to get back to me with the hope they will let me complete this with them so in the meantime, I want to make a start. Any other tips would be much appreciated as I am going in quite blind until they get back to me. Cheers.


  • janvi
    janvi Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    hi - am in the same predicament re: top up for my project inkwell ltd...
  • terrip
    terrip Registered Posts: 2
    I have done mine on where I work, so I was able to evaluate my companies code of conduct to the five professional ethics of the AAT where I found a weakness in IT access and for the sustainability I was able to implement a new procedure into the office with regards to recycling again by evaluating our weaknesses.
    It all came together quickly once I started and my assessor marked it as competent on the first submission so now just waiting for the final internal assessor to do their part. I am assuming this will be done this week but looking at some of the comments on here, I am beginning to wonder. Good luck with it. My best advice would be to sit and just do it, that is what I did and it worked well.
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