Accounts Prep


Today I failed the accounts prep exam and I honestly haven't a clue why! I may have made one or 2 silly mistakes?

Does anyone know where I can find sample assessments other than the AAT ones as I have passed them a dozen times when I was practicing before my exam.. I'm gutted!



  • Kkadijat
    Kkadijat Registered Posts: 28
    Hi, try doing the chapters assessments in BPP book and there is about 3 practise assessments in it as well. hope this help
  • BYERS24
    BYERS24 Registered Posts: 7
    Thanks but I don't have those books. My training provider told me to buy Osborne books?
  • Kkadijat
    Kkadijat Registered Posts: 28
    INBOX me your email address maybe I can forward you an external link of AAT assessments.
  • Adele69
    Adele69 Registered Posts: 320
    Just looking over posts on Accounts Preparation AP1.
    There are no practice assessments in the BPP book. Are you talking about the Sole Trader - AP2?
  • Danilo13
    Danilo13 Registered Posts: 10
    Doing only the AAT practice assessments aren't enough. Get the Accounts Preparation workbook primarily, it has 3 practice assessments + chapter activities. I'd also get the Accounts Preparation Tutorial and have one read throughout.
  • Adele69
    Adele69 Registered Posts: 320
    As I previously said, there are no practice assessments in the BPP books.
    On their website this is a list of the BPP books:
    1. Text (which covers 12 Chapters including tasks and test your learning, though not as difficult as practice assessment questions)
    2. Question Bank which if like Indirect Tax will be more Chapter task like questions to practice
    3. Passcards quick notes on the key topics

    I've browsed eBay and seems Osbourne do have an Accounts Prep from 2013. There are separate Tutorial and Workbooks. Last year doing level 2 we used Osbourne and only had the Tutorial books, so can't say how useful they are.

    Kaplan have a combined Text / Workbook

  • rakeshsuwal
    rakeshsuwal Registered Posts: 79
    Do the green light too. It will help you a lot.
  • Danilo13
    Danilo13 Registered Posts: 10
    The Osbourne books has the "Tutorial book" and the "Workbook ( with 3 practice assessments + some chapter exercises ). And It worked for me.
  • Danilo13
    Danilo13 Registered Posts: 10
    If I was you, I'd buy the Osbourne workbook and have a go at it. If you get all their questions right, that means you're ready to pass
  • Adele69
    Adele69 Registered Posts: 320
    As it happens I have put in an order for an Osbourne Workbook through eBay though the exam is already fixed by the college at 2 weeks today.

    Whether successful or not the additional Practice Assessments will be useful for study or resit if it does come to that.
  • Danilo13
    Danilo13 Registered Posts: 10
    I'm sure you will pass if you do the Practice assessments, and check your answers. I guarantee you 100 %
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