AAT Level 3, practice quesions + exams

Hi, I am studying AAT Level 3 as a distance learner. I have asked my tutor about where I can have more practice questions, but mainly, I would like to practice more mock assessments. There are only two available on AAT website. I got distance learning activity questions, Osborn tutorial book + workshop, I don't know if it would be enough for practice.

My other concern is CBT. How difficult are the questions and how many questions in the real exam? I have noticed the mock assessments on AAT web only contain 6 questions, does it apply to real CBT exams? Would 2 hours be enough for the exam? Many thanks for your help.


  • welshwizard
    welshwizard Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Kaplan and BPP also have work books with questions and practice assessments in them.

    As for the CBT, they AAT sample reflects the content of the live assessments. Six tasks for ACPR - check out the assessment study guide for a clear understanding of areas covered in each task.
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