Going staight to Level 4

Hi Guys

I am thinking of going back to AAT. I did my AAT level 3 about 5 years ago however can't remember much about it. Do you think I should take the Level 3 course again or just go straight for the Level 4 and I will remember as I go along.
Also do I need to have an accounting job to complete the Level 4 as currently I am in the NHS.

Has anyone got any sights they recommend to be able to learn from home as I don't have time to go to collage for night school as I can never garentee I am going to finish my list on time.



  • JoshJ1992
    JoshJ1992 Registered Posts: 75
    Hi Lisa,
    It may be worth talking to distance learning providers who offer the courses. As far as I am aware, you need to be registered with a training provider as some assessments are projects which are marked locally. I study via evening classes so cannot give any recomendations but I know the AAT has a list of providers at https://www.aat.org.uk/training-providers/search.

    You don't need to be working in a finance role while completing the qualification. However, you do need to have a certain amount of experience before you can become a full member. Experience can be gained after you have completed the qualification, and you can be registered as an affiliate member.

    The AAT skills check can give you an idea of your current level http://www.aatskillcheck.org/home.aspx. The qualfication has changed in the last couple of year but any training provider should be able to give you further info about this.

    Hope this helps.

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