Do I need a server or are there other options?

PAMDILL Registered Posts: 721 Epic contributor 🐘
I just need something that 3 to 4 pcs can use in the office to access the Sage company data with the Accountant Dataset Manager and Sage 50 being installed locally on each machine and maximum 1 to 2 users accessing remotely to use Sage 50 while out at clients’ offices. Currently the main office pc has the live data for all the companies that are regularly worked on in the office with the other machines connecting by ethernet when they are there.

A couple of our clients are mainly worked on by myself or one other member of staff out of the office and their live company data is on our machines.

The annoying thing is that I only need the server for the convenience of the Sage dataset being shared both in the premises and outside at clients’ offices as every other document, Sage backup etc is stored online but we have a couple of times had issues where someone has worked on a company dataset outwith the office and then forgot to restore the backup to the main office pc and worked on older data in the office. I wold not grudge the best part of £3k if all our applications had to be shared.

We use Office 365 for all documents, save everything to Onedrive and use the Onedrive sync on the pcs so current/recently accessed files are always on each machine.

2 of our clients have their own Sage so we use Sage Drive for them, not without some issues, but hopefully that will eventually be sorted.
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