Contract for difference - Derivatives

nicd1981 Registered Posts: 243 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Hi All,

I've been asked for a quote by a new client for carrying out his bookkeeping which includes Contract for difference- Derivatives.

I have only ever covered these in my CIMA studies, (not in my real life work ) and have read the new tax rules which make them sound a lot more straight forward than they originally where. (now accounted at Fair value on the balance sheet)

My question is, has anyone ever accounted for Derivatives as a self employed bookkeeper/ accountant, any issues I may face? or any advice you would offer before I accept the work?

In case its important, its a small company, UKGAPP, no audit.

Kindest regards

Nicola Donnelly ,MAAT, MIP, CIMA Dip MA

Facbook Page: MEND Accounting
Twitter: @mendaccounting


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