MIP Fees Survey 2016

burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
Hi all.

It's that time again for the MIP Fees Survey!

I've made a few tweeks this year and will let the survey run until the end of April to allow plenty of time to get as many results in as possible.

You can download the questions from here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2qw7pblnkt2hba/MIP-fees-survey-questions.xlsx?dl=0

Please then email the completed for to mipfees@gmail.com

As per before those who take part will get a full copy of the results. A summary of the results will be published on here so everyone can see and learn from them.

We ask you only take part if you can reliably answer over 75% of the questions even if they are not fees you do currently charge but those you intend to charge.

Any questions please post them here or email to the address above.



  • MarieNoelle
    MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
    Thanks @burg for taking this on once again. Last year's survey was really useful for any one in practice, and the more of us participate, the better.
    @SianaT any chance of bumping this thread up so forum users see it until the deadline? Thanks
  • James_B
    James_B Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered, Tutor Posts: 33
    Hi @burg and @MarieNoelle I've added this as an announcement and boosted to the top of the MIP pages. Thanks
  • tca
    tca Registered Posts: 7
    Thank you for the opportunity Burgh. I'm definitely going to take part.

    I was wondering if you could include the following in your survey if possible:
    Number of partners in practice
    Number of employees
    Distinction between fees actually charged and those intended to be charged

    Many thanks
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    @tca - I am happy to take suggestions for improvement to the survey. Last year there were a number of requests for location which is now included this year. If there is enough of an interest on one or more of your suggestions I will look at including them. I can't include every possible question as if the survey becomes too long the number of participants will fall.

  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Done! Thanks Burg :)
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    I'll be looking to bring this to a close most likely at the end of April. Anyone who has not yet contributed who would like to please get the completed surveys back to me ASAP.


  • tca
    tca Registered Posts: 7
    Hi @burg

    How did the survey go? Have you brought it to a close?

    Looking forward to the results.

  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    @tca was posted on social media by the AAT last week. Will check for more responses this week and get the results processed. Thanks to all who took part.

  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    Hi all.

    Thanks to everyone who took part and to the AAT for their support with sharing via social media and promoting on the forums.

    The report of the results can be found here - http://bit.ly/1WiA1SZ

    If anyone has any suggestions to help improve the survey in the future then please feel free to email me mipfees@gmail.com

  • David Ballantyne
    David Ballantyne Registered Posts: 105 New contributor 🐸
    Hi Burg,

    Just a query about the prices charged for the various types of tax work. Do the prices include bookkeeping or are they purely for the tax return?


    David Ballantyne
    Connect with me on LinkedIn!
    Ballantyne Accountants
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    The fees should be for a typical tidy set of accounts that does not have their own bookkeeping done but not for soemone dropping off a huge mess of invoices

  • Davidbyworth
    Davidbyworth Registered Posts: 71

    I am about to start my own practice and feel this info would be useful....can you point me to where this years and previous years results are shown?

    Many Thanks for providing such a valuable service.

  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod

    current year results here - http://bit.ly/1WiA1SZ
    2015 results here - http://bit.ly/1FnnJj9

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