How's this sound?

smilewiper91 Registered Posts: 1
Hi guys n girls,

I am 24 and looking for a career change. I left school and went straight into work. At the time I was young and just impressed with the fact I was getting money. I have had a few jobs since, around 4 and currently work as a scaffolding labourer. I am just about to be put through to complete my tickets to be a qualified scaffolder which will take around 2 years. The main reason for me wanting to do accountanting is because there seems to be a lot of jobs in the area I would like to move too, compare to less than 3 scaffolding jobs I have seen. Was hoping to study aat part 2and 3 at home whilst getting qualified as a scaffolder. Hope it don't sound as if I am using the company I work for. I have been with them labouring for a while now and feel it won't hurt to have the trade behind me. Plan is to have no life so I can literally spend my time studying whilst saving money for a house deposit. As I am lucky enough to live at home once qualified I would have no issue working unpaid here in London to gain experience before applying for jobs in the area I would like to move too. Just want some reassurance really that it sounds like a doable plan?
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