Software package training - how do you charge?

MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
I have finally convinced one of my client to ditch her manual books and embrace the 21st century. I had a look at several software packages for her and she has decided to give FreeAgent a go. She would like me to train her admin person/ bookkeeper on the software.
Other clients either get on with it (with a few emails or phone calls to sort out minor issues, for which I don't charge extra) or I offer a full bookkeeping service, which I charge at my bookkeeping rate.

I am not sure how to charge for the "training/support" service - an hourly fee or a fixed monthly/quarterly charge which includes unlimited support (face to face or email or phone)?
I would welcome any feedback on how you charge for this.
Thank you.


  • MarieNoelle
    MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
    Thanks (again) for your answer @mrme89 !

    This is how I was thinking of doing initially but if it turns out they need constant support I may revise my fees - I wouldn't want to deter them from asking questions and improving their bookkeeping skills (which ultimately will be beneficial for both of us).

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