Moving house legal fees

I hope you are all well.

I am looking for a bit of advice. I am doing a self-assessment for a sole trader client and she is asking about claiming back part of her legal fees for moving house and I'm unsure if this would be allowable or not. She is a dog groomer and in her previous house had the garage converted into her dog salon so when they moved she converted the garage of the new house into her dog salon as well so part of the old house and the new house has always been part of the business.

Has anyone come across this before? Would any of the solicitor fees, stamp duty etc be able to be apportioned into the business?

Thanks in advance,



  • MarieNoelle
    MarieNoelle Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,368
    Legal fees, stamp duty etc.. are capital costs so no not deductible from her trade profits.

    If part of her old house was used for business she may be liable for CGT.
    Costs of converting her garage are also capital costs.
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