
Betha Registered Posts: 10
I am under the AQ2013 Syllabus for Level 3 and have my first exam on monday. however i have now been told i cannot sit this exam because i was not advised about registering before 31st August (KAPLAN) were late sending my books out as i was not enrolled properly!!

i now am waiting to see if i can still sit my exam monday as they are transferring me to 2016 and i now have to pay extra!!!

I am sitting Indirect Tax exam and am hoping that is isnt different as i have put everything into studying this!!

if i didnt have my job i would of left !


  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 503 🤖 Admin 🤖
    Hi Betha, really sorry to hear about this, could you e-mail the full details including your membership number to communityteam@aat.org.uk for the attention of James and we'll get this looked into for you?

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