Kaplan books compared to Osborne books

LHB Registered Posts: 2
Hi, can anyone help. I am studying level 8 (level 4 for non Scots) online/distance learning AQ2013 and really struggling with it. Failed my budgeting exam and am now totally demotivated.
I was think of swapping over to AQ2016 - so I can take my time but need to get new books.
Are Kaplan books much different from Osborne books.
I have completed Levels 5 & 6 (Scotkand)with Osborne but some times find them frustrating as there examples are very limited.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom....
Thanks in advance


  • Anisa97
    Anisa97 Registered Posts: 42 Regular contributor ⭐
    How many Level 4 exams have you done under AQ2013?
    I find Kaplan tutorials a bit long winded compared to Osborne tutorials but the revision kits from both are good.
    Usually I buy the Osborne tutorials & workbooks and the Kaplan pocket notes. Highly recommend the pocket notes, they're very useful to just scan through before an exam.
    I have bought the full set of Kaplan books for Financial Statements and for the Synoptic exam (AQ2016) - purely because I think those units require more detailed explanations

    Good luck!
  • LHB
    LHB Registered Posts: 2
    I haven't passed any exams on AQ2013, I have worked through 2 modules - budgets & financial analysis, which I haven't got my head round and am now slugging my way through Financial statements for limited companies. I was hoping a different style of book might motivate me and swapping to 2016 would take time pressure off...
    Thnaks for your input.
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