Really cheesed off ...

... because I have had an arthritic flare-up in my knees and cannot log into my AAT desktop thingy (forgot what it is called due to painkiller overload) on my laptop and access the practice papers for my Foundation Level Bookkeeping Transactions module. Tried to work on my ordinary desktop computer but as it is operating under Windows XP - and the only machine with email - the practice papers will not proceed beyond the page with the Candidate Instructions.

Cannot get my head around Sage One for the set up of direct debits and so feel as if I have wasted the whole weekend just faffing about running around in circles. Having a bad day and ready to go back to a barter system for everything and chew on willow bark and poppy heads in exchange for a big bag of spuds.

I am a self-study student who has some experience with computerised accounts (old Sage 50) and bookkeeping and actually doing an accounts course does help me cope with the pain during these times - and I do my best work as well.

Any hints or help will benefit. Sympathy and soothing words are what is my husband is expected to dish out alongside big mugs of coffee and the occasional Hob Nob and Mars bar.
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