MCDL Sample Assessment 1 Task 1.4

eva518 Registered Posts: 8

I am struggling to work out the Absorption & Marginal Costing on AQ2016 MCDL Sample Assessment 1 Task 1.4 Please help.
I just can not work out the answers at all :-(
I have attached the question below.
Many Thanks Guys


  • lucym96
    lucym96 Registered Posts: 24

    This should help to explain marginal and absorption costing: Pages/Marginal and absorption costing.aspx

    So for this question, you just need to value the inventory in both ways.

    For absorption costing you need to work out cost per unit by adding direct materials, direct labour, other variable prdn costs AND fixed production costs (fixed overheads are absorbed into each unit)

    First work out opening inventory =
    Mth 1 o/inv = 0 +10,000 - 8,000 = 2,000
    Mth 2 o/inv = 2,000 + 10,000 - 9,000 = 3,000
    Mth 3 o/inv = 3,000 units
    As inventory is valued on a FIFIO basis, all of these units will be valued using the costs in the months that they were produced.

    Then calculate cost per unit:
    15 + 10 + (230,000/10,000) + (450,000/10,000)
    = £93 @ 3000 units = £279000

    For production costs you now need to value them using the figures in the month they were produced:
    10,000 units @ 15 + 10 + (£250,000/10,000) + (£450,000/10,000)
    10,000 units @ £95 = £950,000

    For closing inventory:
    3,000 + 10,000 - 11,000 = 2,000 units
    Valued the same as above as it was produced in month 3 @ £95

    Cost of sales:
    Take o/inv + prdn costs - c/inv = COS
    279,000 + 950,000 + 190,000 = £1,039,000

    Fixed overheads = £0 as these have already been absorbed into each unit

    Profit/Loss = Sales - Cost of Sales
    990,000 - 1,039,000 = -£49,000
    The answer says a profit of £49,000 however I calculate a loss? Not sure if I have gone wrong somewhere there or if it's yet another error on these sample assessments!

    However for marginal costing you just take direct materials, direct labour and other variable prdn costs - in marginal costing the fixed costs are taken off (fixed overheads relate to the period)

    I will just explain opening inventory as the rest will follow on:

    o/inv = same as before 3,000 units
    however this time you only value this with the variable costs
    3,000 units @ 15 + 10 + 23 = £144,000

    Then value production costs and closing inventory in the same way.

    Cost of sales = o/inv + prdn costs - c/inv - same as before

    However this time you need to add the fixed overheads, so just take the figure of £450,000

    Then work out profit in the same way, but take the fixed overheads off at the end:

    990,000 - 544,000 - 450,000 = -£4,000

    Another loss, yet the answer says a profit of £4,000 again?

    Hopefully just an error.

    Sorry for the long answer, hopefully this helps!

  • eva518
    eva518 Registered Posts: 8
    Thank you Lucy
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