Decision and Conteol Help!

Hey Guys,

I am sitting my Decision and Control exam for the third time and could really do with some help. I am currently looking at AAT question bank Task 5.3 (attached) when a question asks to prepare the operating statement for actual production.can someone please explain to me the difference between operating statement and abortion costing? As I assume all cost are included in both?


  • crispy
    crispy Registered Posts: 466 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    The question is a standard costing reconciliation from budgeted to actual for a company who incorporate fixed overheads into their costs.

    I was feeling fed-up at work so thought I would get my brain moving and have a go myself. Have attached with my answer, hope it is of some use if you can understand my bad hand writing :)
  • dee21
    dee21 Registered Posts: 12
    Hello Crispy,

    Many thanks for your answers they were a great help. I am really sorry to have to ask but is absortion costing not done the exact same way? Fixed over head are incorporated into the cost?

    I feel so silly asking but I just cant see the difference between a standard cost and abortion costs? my understanding would be if this questions was asked to be completed by using absorption costing we would end up with the same answer?
  • crispy
    crispy Registered Posts: 466 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Hi Dee,

    If the company was using say marginal costing then there would be no variances for fixed overheads, since they are not being incorporated (absorbed) into the unit cost - I doubt however you would ever see a question like this.

    Absorption costing is a costing method which includes a portion of fixed production overheads into a cost unit, standard costing is the comparison of a standard (budget) costs to actual results to allow for variance analysis.

  • dee21
    dee21 Registered Posts: 12
    Hey Crispy

    so this question is using absorption costing?
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