Informi UK: Self-assessment article (case study request)

AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
Informi UK (brought to you by AAT) are hoping to do a story about self-assessments for their blog, and need a few case studies of people who have had, or have helped their client through, self-assessment woes. We’d love to know what you've experienced and what lessons you learned for the future (or solved the problem for their client).

If anybody is interested please get in touch.


  • AAT_Team
    AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖

    Self Assessment: Ending A Grim Month, Creating A Brighter Future

    "It’s late January, and the post-Christmas party hangovers are but a distant memory, while the real headaches are gathering force. A study published by AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians) last week showed that January is the main month for people to sort their ‘life admin’ tasks – but 56% of us struggle to keep up with everything that we are required to do."

    Full article.

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