Synoptic exam booking


I had UACS exam today. I haven't booked the Synoptic yet - I'm not sure whether I need to wait for the last exam result before I will be able to book it? I've passed all the other exams and I would not want to wait 6 weeks for the last exam.



  • JoJoMis
    JoJoMis Registered Posts: 50 Regular contributor ⭐
    You are able to book as soon as you want! I would book all my assessments before even starting with each level so it would give me a timeline for the next few months. Really helped me to keep my motivation up.
  • SarahBurton
    SarahBurton Registered Posts: 2
    The way my exams fell I have had to sit the ELCO, UACS and Synpotic Exam all a week a part.
    I passed ELCO on Monday with 95% and I feel pretty confident with my UACS one next monday - terrified for Synoptic though.

    I think its fine to book the synoptic when you dont know if youve passed UACS yet, just hope you have!
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