AAT Comment: Benchmarking report reveals strategies that lead to highest fees and growth

AAT_Team Administrator Posts: 505 🤖 Admin 🤖
edited May 2018 in AAT member discussion
A recent benchmarking study shows the average bookkeeping and accountancy firm in the UK is growing by 12% and bringing in an average of £91,200 revenue per employee.

The findings are from the Accounting & Bookkeeping Industry Performance Report 2018 – a survey of 939 firms servicing small business clients in the UK. 342 of the respondents were sole traders or small firms employing fewer than ten employees.

The survey was conducted by software vendor Xero and gives a picture of how practices are diversifying, and results achieved from different business development strategies. It also looks at patterns in client management, marketing, pricing, billing, employee compensation and advisory services.

Full article.

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