Letters of engagement Schedules B8a and B8b (Payroll)

monkeypuzzle47 Registered Posts: 134 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Has anyone tailored these schedules with regards to the new templates just issued. I've filled in the blanks but have nothing to go on and not sure if it is correct and wondered if anyone might let me see their example. I could also send you mine and compare?
extract below...

Appendix B8a
1. Subject matter of processing
Staff payroll
2. Duration of the processing
Monthly payroll until either of us dis-enage????? Not a clue!??????
3. Nature and purpose of the processing
To process your staff payslips each payroll period.
To submit your pay information to HM Revenue & Customers by way of RTI (Real time information), EPS, FPS reports to meet statutory deadlines
4. Types(s) of personal data to be processed
Employee/s name, address, telephone, email, gender, national insurance numbers, passport number, salary/pensionable pay details, date of birth, job position, salary details, other statutory payment information for instance SSP, SMP (Mat 1 b), Student loan deductions, tax codes, hours worked, holiday leave, sick pay..
5. Categories of data subjects
Employees and other adhoc Staff/subcontractors

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
rgds Jenny
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